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P is for Planner | Episode 1

What to Know Before You Walk Down the (Planner) Aisle

If you've ever been down the planner aisle of a Target, an office supply store, or even a craft store (yes, they sell them there, too), you might have thought, either a. this is very overwhelming. Why are there so many choices? or b. Just grab the first one with an ok looking cover, and call it good.

Well, I am your friendly neighborhood planner aficionado, and I am here to help you through both of these options because it doesn't have to be stressful (I've done all of the stressing for you), but I also want you to leave the store or clicking "checkout" feeling confident that your purchase will be something you actually use.

Welcome to Episode 1 of the series P is for Planner. Where I will help you explore all things planners. From different styles and layouts, to the paper vs. digital debate. We'll talk about how different planners meet different needs, and how they're not all created equally. Today, we're just dipping our toes in the water. My goal? That today you know that a planner is a tool. And just like with any tool, using the right one will save you stress, hassle, and frustration.

A Very Brief History

... of me. Not of planners. Well, a brief history of my experience with planners. I remember back in elementary school, they started handing out planners for all of us to use to keep track of our homework. It was fine. It's not where my interest started, just where the exposure began. However, when I got into high school and teachers started handing out this thing called a syllabus... then I started really appreciating planners because right away I would plug in all of my assignments from the syllabus into my planner for the semester. Looking back, I realize this was a way for me to feel some sort of control over my schedule and expectations.

This routine stayed with me for the most part until I went to Grad School/Seminary. At one point I was juggling classes and two jobs and I was preparing for graduation. A planner was no longer just about homework. I needed it to organize all aspects of my life. I went to the office store and looked at all of the options. I was probably there for an hour. I walked away with a type of planner I had never seen before, realizing for the first time that there were different layout options for different needs.


While I appreciate that some of you reading this may still be in school (or be in school again), I'm assuming the majority of my audience here isn't keeping track of assignments. You're keeping track of work and work responsibilities. You're keeping track of bills, and budgets, and house projects. Maybe you're keeping track of additional people's schedules, including a partner and kids. Maybe you just want to be able to look back and know what you did today.

What I want you to know from this series is that there is a planner out there that will fit your needs and your lifestyle. I don't think there's ever been a time in history with more planner options. Which can be the other side of the coin - too many choices.

Why start this series in September?

I know. This is one of the worst times to go out an buy a planner. There are two main "planner seasons" when it comes to buying a new planner. There is the beginning of the year, and there is July. So essentially, the calendar year (Jan-Dec) or the academic year (July-June). Now that we're in September, you'll either end up with a planner with two extra months in the beginning, or you'll end up with a planner you can't really use for four months.

I start this series now to best prepare you for the planner buying season of 2024, and of course, as a resource to come back to at any time. Most companies will launch new planners for 2024 in late fall (although some already have theirs out). This gives influencers and brand ambassadors time to review them online so you can get a sneak peak.

If you've ever walked into a Target, picked up three different planners and thought to yourself, I guess I just have to go with one of these... Or if you've ever looked at the planner aisle already frustrated and just thought Why are there so many options? What's the difference? You are in the right place. Welcome. I'm glad you're here.

Feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks for saying hi!

© 2021 by Emily Newton. All rights reserved.

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