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Welcome! I'm glad you're here.

Welcome to my blog, where I share my experiences and insights on leadership, organization, dealing with anxiety, and time management. As a woman in leadership, I have learned a lot about what it means to be a leader and how to navigate the challenges that come with it. Here, I hope to offer guidance and support to other people who are looking to grow their leadership skills. Thank you for visiting. I'm glad you're here.

About me?
What do you want to know?

I was born and raised in Iowa. Schooling landed me in the Twin Cities for grad school. Currently, I live just north of the cities, and work about half an hour north of that.


I've been a pastor for about six years and I love (nearly) every minute of it! I serve a mid-large size Lutheran Church in Cambridge, MN. ( 


I'm passionate about preaching and communication, stationary and organization. I'm obsessive about planners and productivity tools. 


My hope is that this Blog will serve as a place where I can share what information I gather from others and from my own life experience. Although I write from the perspective of a woman in leadership, I think you'll find that most of the information I share is applicable to everyone. 

Feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks for saying hi!

© 2021 by Emily Newton. All rights reserved.

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